
Kalshi Turns Three

Kalshi turns three years old today, and the past year has been a rollercoaster for the exchange: Previously we took a looked at Kalshi for its one-year and two-year anniversaries, and now we’re again taking a look at the exchange’s growth since we last checked in. Top markets by trading volume Previously limited to markets […]

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Two Upcoming Events About Prediction Markets’ Legal Status

There are two upcoming events related to the PredictIt (April 18th) and Kalshi (May 30th) lawsuits against the CFTC: (1) Clarke v. CFTC webinar The Federalist Society is hosting a webinar featuring the attorney representing the plaintiffs in the PredictIt lawsuit, as well as Aristotle’s General Counsel. Discussing Clarke v. CFTC: The Case of PredictIt

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Manifold traders increase accuracy over time

When we looked at The Economist and FiveThirtyEight models’ respective error over time, there wasn’t a steady downward trend toward Election Day 2020.  The models both fluctuated (within a very limited range) but the Economist’s lowest Brier score was on October 3rd, and it performed better than FiveThirtyEight until the final week of the campaign.

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The 514 trades that won ZubbyBadger $25K

Jonathan Zubkoff – aka ZubbyBadger – is a top prediction market trader.  A professional trader in events markets, he’s made over six figures on PredictIt, serves as Community Manager for Kalshi, and earlier this year won the CSPI/Salem Forecasting Tournament with $25,000 in prize money.  The second-place finisher of that tournament, Robert Grosse, wrote a

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LK-99: The Dream Will Never Die

Continuing the last article’s theme of ‘too good to be true,’ we now turn our attention to LK-99. LK-99 is a compound that researchers in South Korea claimed could serve as a room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor. Superconductors are materials that, when cooled to a “critical temperature,” conduct electricity without energy loss.  The most common use of

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